
From Excel to BigQuery: Tollvignettes Scales Up with a Future-Proof Data Solution is een online platform dat digitale tolvignetten aanbiedt voor verschillende Europese landen, zoals Slovenië, Tsjechië, Hongarije en Zwitserland.


Tollvignettes, an e-commerce company specializing in digital vignettes, has been experiencing significant growth. This growth required the next step in data maturity. The company's CFO was spending a lot of valuable time keeping financial models up to date. These models are essential for monitoring and improving business processes, gaining insights into the company's growth and strategy, and managing advertising costs. Data from various sources (webshop orders, advertising data, and payment platform data) had to be manually downloaded and merged in Excel. This was a highly labor-intensive and time-consuming task that was not scalable. Tollvignettes wanted to continue growing, which created a need for an efficient, automated, and reliable data environment that could scale with the company.


Datamart helped Tollvignettes set up their complete data flow, allowing the company to scale on all fronts. From easily adding new data sources to analyzing a large number of data points, everything has been designed to be user-friendly and flexible. For this project, Google Cloud Platform was used, with BigQuery as the data warehouse and Looker Studio for data visualization. Looker Studio is an accessible and free visualization tool that enables the finance team to independently create and share reports. Datamart implemented an ETL pipeline for Tollvignettes, ensuring that data from various sources is automatically retrieved and transformed. With this automation, Tollvignettes can easily access their financial data and quickly perform analyses without manual effort. Thanks to Datamart, Tollvignettes now has a centralized data storage (data warehouse) and can perform valuable analyses through reporting (data visualization). Datamart has elevated Tollvignettes to a new level of data maturity, enabling data to directly contribute to the company's growth.



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